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帝國功能增強:UserPatch 1.1

發表於 21-2-2012 19:20:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
UserPatch 1.1製作者: "script64" from aiscripters.com


    Game version identifier changed to v1.1
-- 遊戲版本升級至v1.1
    Mirror player civilizations with the new Team Random option
-- 增加了新的隨機組隊遊戲選項,同一組玩家可以選擇同一個隨機民族開始遊戲
   Restored games can now be recorded in all game modes
-- 可以在任意模式下游戲錄像(包括戰役)
Windowed mode library support by Veg and menopem
-- 可以在窗口模式下運行帝國(我8年的夢想...)
  All available resolutions, including widescreen, are selectable
-- 可以直接選擇寬屏模式
  Uncontrollable game view scrolling bug has been fixed
-- 修復了不受控制得遊戲視角BUG(即有時視角會莫名其妙地向地圖左上角移動,必須關閉遊戲才可以解決的BUG)
  Toggle always-on-top with F7 and background mode with F8
-- F7 始終在最上F8 最小化後依然運行(就像多人遊戲)
   Vote panel/serial sync bug has been fixed for multiplayer
-- 修復了多人遊戲投票的同步問題
   Random map scripts can be used directly in the scenario editor
-- 可以直接在地圖編輯器中使用隨機地圖腳本
  Blank maps can now be generated using all standard terrains
-- 默認地形可以使用所有地形
   Additional full map print opt​​ions for higher resolutions
-- 高分辨率截取全地圖
   Population limit opt​​ions have been extended up to 250
-- 最高人口可達到250
   Ungrouped AI players will not ally themselves against humans
-- 沒有組隊的電腦AI不會自動聯合來打玩家
   AIs are selectable in multiplayer games (only host needs AIs)
-- 多人遊戲可以選AI了(神技能,以後玩場景就不用替換默認AI那麼複雜了,而且還可以讓電腦對於特定場景更有針對性)
  Multiplayer games can be started with only AI players
-- 多人遊戲的玩家可以全部都是AI(據說是聯機看AI對戰)
AIs can assign guards for specific units and buildings
  AIs can now construct docks on Nomad maps and along ice
-- AI可以在游牧模式和雪圖中建船塢
   Boar hunting is now fixed and operational for AIs
-- AI可以獵殺野豬了(神技能)
  AIs can build multiple buildings simultaneously
-- AI可以同時建造多個建築
  Buildings destroyed mid-construction can be rebuilt by AIs
-- AI會重建修到一半被人拆掉的建築
  Building cancellation is now configurable by AIs
-- AI會刪掉建好的建築(解除擋路)
   Cancelled buildings are only rebuilt if requested
   AIs will now close wall openings created by lumberjacks
   Villagers will now repair damaged buildings and siege weapons
  All AI villagers no longer rush to destroy towers
  Trade carts will tr​​avel across shallows to other markets
  AI unit spreading can be controlled in multiplayer mode
   Hero units can now be used by AIs as scouts for exploration
  AIs can construct lumber and mining camps in close proximity
   Gaia units and buildings can now be converted by AI explorers
-- 蓋亞的單位可以被AI所捕獲
Idle sheep will now gather at the town center on Nomad maps
-- 在游牧模式下AI會把羊群趕到TC去
Simultaneous messages from AIs now appear in the right color
-- AI同時發送信息時信息的顏色有時候會顯示錯誤(弄相同AI對打就會發現了)
Setting sn-attack-winning-player-factor to 0 will not crash
-- 把策略值攻擊領先玩家因子(sn-attack-winning-player-factor) 設為0 不會導致遊戲崩潰
AIs can now gather resources using up to 250 villagers
-- AI可以用最多250村民採集資源
Pseudo-random number generator algorithm has been improved
AIs can choose to attack with the patrol attack system
Players can survey the map after a single player game ends
AIs can now specify which player to target for attacks
Siege onagers can target trees after saving a chapter
AIs can request gatherers to drop resources at any time
Scouts will now circle the home town center before departing
Relics will be distributed to other monasteries as needed
Unpacked trebuchets will no longer be ignored by units
Building gather points will not damage adjacent enemy units
Idle villager button will no longer focus on enemy scouts
MP3 audio files with id3v2 tags can now be used in the game
Screenshots will be saved as png images if GDI+ is available
M3U playlists can be used for the game's background music
Flares are now larger and more bold on the mini-map display
Explored and All Visible states are fixed in recordings
--遊戲開始時候選擇了“已探索” 或者“全部顯示” 錄像裡也能正常顯示了

wndmode.zip (337.69 KB, 下載次數: 358)

UserPatch.20120216-060846.rar (1.14 MB, 下載次數: 329)

.Core feature update v1.1 <默認要選的.New save filename format <保存新的格式
.Window Library support <窗口模式的AOC



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發表於 1-9-2012 18:17:52 | 只看該作者
如果轉左1.1 咁重可唔可以同1.0既人連線??
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